API Reference

You can provide a webhook that our platform will POST to with data whenever an admin updates the scorecard for a candidate. Click Edit webhooks in your API settings on your dashboard to edit the URL.

We send over the following data.

  "operation": "scorecard_updated",
  "organization_id": "coderbyteengineering",
  "email": "daniel@test.com",
  "report_url": "https://coderbyte.com/report/user844232qes52q:graphql-assessment-4ndwhki34nke2212",
  "assessment_id": "graphql-assessment-4ndwhki34nke2212",
  "trigger": "recommendation", // can be recommendation or comment
  "recommendation": "thumb_up", // can be thumb_up, thumb_down
  "comment": "Candidate did a great job!",
  "email_admin": "hr@company.com"



To verify the request is coming from Coderbyte, we provide a Bearer authentication token as a JWT. You can verify the token is correct by generating a JWT and signing it with HS256. Use your API key as the signing key and your organization_id as the iss or issuer in the payload.