API Reference

You can provide a webhook that our platform will POST to with data whenever a candidate completes an assessment or when their time expires.

Click Edit webhooks in your API settings on your dashboard to edit the URL.

The data is minimal to notify you simply that a candidate completed the assessment, so to receive the full report for how the candidate did you'll need to hit the Get report data route.

  "operation": "assessment_completed",
  "time_expired": false, // will be true if time expired for candidate
  "report_ready": true, // will be false if challenges are still being processed in background
  "organization_id": "coderbyteengineering",
  "email": "daniel@test.com",
  "report_url": "https://coderbyte.com/report/user462h9y1s11y:angular-assessment-9six08om28556",
  "assessment_id": "angular-assessment-9six08om28556"



To verify the request is coming from Coderbyte, we provide a Bearer authentication token as a JWT. You can verify the token is correct by generating a JWT and signing it with HS256. Use your API key as the signing key and your organization_id as the iss or issuer in the payload.